How to Save Money with Regular HVAC Maintenance

Chancey & Reynolds HVAC technician looking at a residential HVAC unit

We all want to save money where we can! One way to do that is by taking care of your HVAC system. Regular HVAC maintenance keeps your system running efficiently, extends the lifespan of your equipment, and prevents expensive repairs down the line. How much money can regular HVAC maintenance save? According to the U.S. … Read more

Air Duct Cleaning: Everything You Need to Know

Chancey & Reynolds HVAC technician looking cleaning HVAC Air Duct

Your home or business’s indoor air quality is critical to your well-being. Regular heating and cooling system use can contaminate your air ducts with dust, dirt, allergens, and other pollutants. Common contaminants contribute to poor air quality and potentially lead to health problems for you and your family. This is why air duct cleaning is … Read more

How Window Coverings Improve Energy Efficiency

Man closing window coverings to improve energy efficiency

Improving the energy efficiency of homes and businesses is something many people consider. This includes insulation, energy efficient light bulbs, and high-efficiency appliances. However, there’s another factor that often goes overlooked: window coverings. Choosing the right window coverings for your space can improve your energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills. Energy Efficiency Window Coverings … Read more

What to Look for in an Air Filter

Chancey & Reynolds HVAC technician changing AC Air Filter

The quality of the air inside your home or business is essential for your health and comfort. According to the EPA, indoor air is five times more contaminated than outside air—yet we spend 90% of our time indoors. One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy indoor air quality is by using a high-quality air … Read more

How to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Your HVAC

Attractive African American man adjusting programmable thermostat

As a homeowner or business owner, you always look for ways to reduce energy consumption and save on utility bills. One of the best ways to do this is by improving the energy efficiency of your HVAC system. High-efficiency HVAC helps you save money and also helps reduce your carbon footprint. This blog covers the … Read more

10 Hacks to Lower Your Power Bill

Woman looking at power bill

As temperatures rise in Tennessee, keeping your home cool and your power bill low can become daunting. With the increase in energy consumption, your utility bills can skyrocket. Luckily, our HVAC technicians have several tips to lower your power bill while keeping your home comfortable. 1) Install a Smart Thermostat A programmable thermostat, or smart … Read more

How to Prepare Your AC for Summer

Woman holding controller to change AC tempature

A broken air conditioner is the last thing you need on a sweltering day. In Tennessee, the transition into warm weather comes quickly, and you don’t want to be unprepared. Use these tips to prepare your AC for summer and help Replace Your Air Filter Spring is a crucial time to replace your dirty, clogged … Read more