If you want to lower costs, increase your energy efficiency, and boost your life expectancy, we’ve got you covered. Here are five common misconceptions about HVAC:
1) You don’t need routine maintenance.
Like your car, your HVAC is a layered, complex mechanical system that demands tune-ups to maintain optimal performance. If you’re not scheduling regular maintenance for your HVAC system, you’re losing efficiency and comfort in your home. What’s worse–you’re potentially damaging your HVAC system. Effective HVAC maintenance services are proactive, meaning they take place before anything breaks or stalls. Just because your HVAC system is running doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Neglected HVAC maintenance can result in massive costs and inconveniences down the road.
2) Turning off your AC when you leave wastes energy.
It’s a common misconception that leaving your AC set to a higher temp during the day is more efficient than turning it off completely. However, it saves more energy to shut off your system when you’re not using it. New programmable thermostats save energy by automatically turning your AC off when you leave and on before you return. If you’re not at home, you can save money by raising the temperature on the thermostat. Rather than remembering to do this before you head out the door in the mornings, you can set a programmable thermostat to do it for you.
3) You only have to change your filter once a year.
Your home’s first defense against dirt, dust, and contaminants is your HVAC system filter. Dirty, congested filters constrict the amount of air that flows through your HVAC system, causing the system to work harder. It’s crucial to change your filters regularly. Most people should replace their filters every six weeks. However, if someone in your household has respiratory conditions like asthma or allergies, or there are pets in the home, filters need to be changed monthly to keep your system functioning optimally.
4) Closed vents save money.
A long-standing HVAC myth is that closing vents in unoccupied areas of the home is an effective way to save money on heating and cooling. Though it makes sense in theory, this is far from the truth. Closing the vents in your home costs you more money in the long run as it can damage vital components of your HVAC system. Even if you close your vents, the air still circulates through your ducts. The increased pressure caused by closed air vents can damage your ductwork and overwork your system’s blower fan. It’s best to leave all the vents in your home open.
5: Thermostat placement doesn’t matter.
Thermostat placement can make your HVAC system more efficient. A thermostat placed too close to vents, radiators, and windows will prematurely shut down the HVAC system or keep it running too long. Ideally, your thermostat should be located on an interior wall that is out of direct sunlight. The thermostat should not be adjacent to any windows or major appliances in the kitchen.
Partner with Tennessee’s HVAC Experts
Founded in 1978, Chancey & Reynolds has decades of valuable experience that instills confidence in home and business owners. For more than 42 years, we’ve performed repairs and maintenance on all types of commercial and residential HVAC systems, air conditioners, heat pumps, furnaces, and more. HVAC users across Knoxville and Lenoir City trust our team of air specialists to keep their homes comfortable all year long. Contact us today to get started!